Register online or at the Geneseo Community Center
You better watch out, you better not cry...SANTA'S COMING TO GENESEO! Santa will visit your house with a special surprise for the whole family. This is a chance to tell him personally about your holiday wish list! Because of his heavy schedule, Santa will only stay for 5-10 minutes. Participants need to be available from 5:00 - 8:00 pm so Santa can catch you at home. Once registered, Santa’s elves will call with the approximate time of his arrival.
Pre-registration is required by December 4, 2024 or until full. Santa visits are open to Geneseo Park District residents only. Limited availability.
FEE: $80 Per House
Equipment Swap Event will be at the Geneseo Community Center
Bring your own reusable bag to the swap event
Cash Only. Most items are priced $1, $5 or $10.
5:30 - 6:45 pm | 3rd Grade & under
7:00 - 9:00 pm | All Ages
SKATE RENTAL: $5.00 Limited skates & sizes available
Not held 3/1
FREE St. Patrick's Day Skate 3/15
Learn the beginning skills required to be a lifeguard April 12-13
*Must attend both training days to receive lifeguard certification