Register online or at the Geneseo Community Center
Class fees are listed as Member Pricing [M] / Non-Member Pricing [NM]
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We will play some fast paced games based on our favorite holiday characters: Santa, his reindeer, and his elves.
Ages: 3 - 5 yrs & not enrolled in Kindergarten
Dec 10 | TU
6:00 - 7:00 pm ($12 / $24)
Sign up your budding paleontologist to go on a miniature dinosaur dig, to examine fossils and to learn about those prehistoric giants, the dinosaurs!
Ages: 3 - 5 yrs & not enrolled in Kindergarten
Jan 13 | M
6:00 - 6:45 pm ($9 / $18)
Jan 16 | TH
6:00 - 6:45 pm ($9 / $18)
Happy Earth Day! Mother Earth needs our help! Little hands can make a big difference to the health of the Earth. We will plant seeds, take a nature walk and leave things better than we found them by picking up the trash. Held at the Outdoor Classroom at the Athletic Field.
Ages: 3 - 5 yrs & not enrolled in Kindergarten
Apr 22 | TU
10:15 -11:00 am ($9 / $18)
Equipment Swap Event will be at the Geneseo Community Center
Bring your own reusable bag to the swap event
Cash Only. Most items are priced $1, $5 or $10.
5:30 - 6:45 pm | 3rd Grade & under
7:00 - 9:00 pm | All Ages
SKATE RENTAL: $5.00 Limited skates & sizes available
Not held 3/1
FREE St. Patrick's Day Skate 3/15
Learn the beginning skills required to be a lifeguard April 12-13
*Must attend both training days to receive lifeguard certification