PROGRAM RATE POLICY. It is the policy of the Park District that program participants must have a current membership to participate at membership rates. Memberships must be purchased prior to the program start date to receive the programs membership rate, the difference will NOT be refunded for memberships purchased after the first day of a program. Patrons may register for programs at the membership rate beyond their membership expiration date but if they do not renew they will be obligated to pay the difference between the member and non-member rate for programs that they continue to participate in past their expiration date.
PROGRAM CANCELLATIONS: On days when the Geneseo School District releases early or cancels due to weather, our programs are also canceled. If the Geneseo School District has a late start all Adult Programs will run as scheduled. All other programs scheduled after school would run as scheduled. Make-up classes will be scheduled if facility and instructor resources are available.
The Park District and/or its independent contractors reserve the right to consolidate, postpone or cancel any activity or program that has not met the established minimum. The determination to cancel programs will be made 3 days prior to scheduled start date.
If lightning strikes or thunder is heard all pool participants will be required to be out of the Indoor or Aquatic Center for 15 minutes from the time of the last lightning strike or thunder heard. Outdoor Swim lessons will not be canceled due to weather. Water Safety will be taught in a safe environment if participants are unable to enter the pool.
BRIGHT BEGINNINGS PRESCHOOL CANCELLATIONS: Preschool follows the Geneseo School District 228 calendar for full days off (does not include scheduled early dismissals or half days). On days when Geneseo School District releases early or cancels because of weather, Preschool is also canceled. On days when the School District starts late Starbrights & Kinderbrights AM classes will be canceled. Twinklebrights and Starbrights & Kinderbrights PM classes will be held as scheduled.
PROGRAM REFUNDS: Participants that request a refund before the start of a program will receive a full refund. Refunds requested after the start of a program will receive ½ of the unused portion minus a $5.00 service fee. The $5.00 service fee will be waived if the patron chooses to send the refund to their account as a credit on account versus being mailed a refund check.
NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY: The Geneseo Park District is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. It is the responsibility of each and every employee, officer, official, park commissioner, agent, volunteer, and vendor of the Park District, as well as anyone using the Park District's facilities, to refrain from sexual and other harassment. Harassment and discrimination are not tolerated and should be reported to any Park District manager immediately. The Geneseo Park District will not exclude anyone from participation in, deny anyone the benefits of, or otherwise subject anyone to discrimination because of the person’s race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, pregnancy, marital status, military or veteran status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other protected characteristic as established by state or federal law. Any questions, concerns, or complaints (formal or informal) alleging a violation of this policy should be directed in writing to the Park District Executive Director. All such matters will be thoroughly investigated and rectified if a policy violation is identified.
INCLUSION POLICY: The Park District is committed to making its facilities accessible to and usable by all patrons and visitors. This commitment is ongoing, proactive and intended to meet the needs of a diversity of individuals with disabilities in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act (“ADA”). To this end, the Park District is committed to promoting positive participation and a quality experience by providing reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities upon request.
Requests for reasonable accommodations should be directed to the Park District ADA Coordinator. Requests should be made at least 48 hours prior to the date these services/items are needed (minimum 5 days advance notice for sign language interpreter requests). Participants and authorized users may request to have a service animal accompany them in the Park System where they are authorized users as a reasonable accommodation.
Geneseo Park District ADA Grievance Notice
Access and Inclusion Internal Complaint Procedure
RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS: A resident of the Park District is any person resides within the corporate boundaries of the Park District or pays taxes for the Park District. These boundaries are different than the Geneseo School District. The park district includes all that reside within the city of Geneseo and some of the surrounding townships. Please call us at (309) 944-5695 if you have any questions regarding residency requirements. Those who live outside of the Park District boundaries are considered non-residents. A non-resident is an individual who does not reside within the corporate boundaries of the Park District or does not pay taxes for the Park District. A non-resident fee will be applied to membership purchases or renewals. (Not applicable to 1-month memberships) for nonresidents.
PARTICIPANTS CONDUCT GUIDELINES AND DISCIPLINE: Each member or guest of Park District facilities has a responsibility to behave properly while on Park District premises. Individuals who participate in district programs are expected to act within acceptable levels of behavior. According to the Geneseo Park District’s Behavior Policy, unacceptable behavior includes but is not limited to:
Sports participants, coaches and spectators should all know the Youth Sports Code of Conduct.
A positive approach will be used regarding remedial action. Staff will periodically review rules with participants during the program session. If inappropriate behavior occurs, a prompt resolution will be sought specific to each individual’s situation. The Geneseo Park District reserves the exclusive right to dismiss a participant whose behavior endangers his or her own safety or the safety of others. The Geneseo Park District also reserves the exclusive right to prohibit an individual who engages in inappropriate behavior or affects the safety of others from future participation in any program and from entering Park District property.
Geneseo Park District Rules of Conduct/Behavior Management Policy
PHOTOGRAPH POLICY: The Park District occasionally takes photographs or video of participants for promoting/advertising our programs, services, events, activities, and facilities in our brochures, website or agency social media, and other promotional avenues. By registering for, participating in or attending Park District programs, events, or other activities, the participant (or parent/guardian of a minor participant) irrevocably agrees to the use and distribution by the Park District of his or her image (or of his/her minor child/ward) in photographs, video recordings, and any other electronic reproductions of such programs, events and activities for any purpose without inspection or approval and without compensation, rights to royalties or any other consideration now and in the future. If you do not wish your household to be photographed, you will need to complete and sign the Geneseo Park District Waiver form.
ANNUAL MEDICAL EXAMINATION: Is strongly recommended for all persons and particularly necessary for adults who are embarking on a physical conditioning program.
ATTIRE: Suitable gym clothes and shoes are required for admittance to the Center. Swimsuits are required for admittance to the pools. Shirts and shoes are required in weight room. Suitable clothing is to be worn in the sauna.
INSURANCE: The Community Center was constructed with the highest health and safety standards and does not provide accident insurance. Each person participates at his/her own risk.
LOST AND FOUND POLICY: Personal items brought to the Geneseo Park District are the responsibility of the individual. All items lost or misplaced shall be kept at the Community Center for no more than one month. After one month, any unclaimed items are disposed of or donated to a local charity.
PLEASE NOTE: All scheduled activities or facilities (times, dates and fees) may be changed or canceled at the discretion of the Park District staff. Certain facilities may be closed for class instruction. Please check times and dates on our website or at the front desk.
SOCIAL MEDIA: This purpose of social media pages is convey information that is useful to and will help further the mission of the Park District. The administrators of the pages reserve the right to remove comments that are not relevant to the original topic, profane, obscene, violent content, discriminatory content, threats, solicitation of business, content that violates a copyright or trademark, and any content in violation of federal, state or local law. Any comment posted by a member of the public is not the opinion of the Park District. Content posted on the sites are subject to the freedom of information and record retention law. This is not an appropriate portal for FOIA requests. Please see click here for FOIA
Facility Rentals, Equipment Rentals & Birthday Parties Brochure
AQUATIC CENTER (Maximum Occupancy 500) & POOLSIDE ROOM (Maximum Occupancy 64 / 60 seated)
SPLASH PAD (Maximum Occupancy 125) Rental request are only accepted 2 weeks in advance
ACTIVITY ROOM (Maximum Occupancy 197 / 100 seated) & PARTY ROOM (Maximum Occupancy 33 seated)
CENTRAL THEATER (Maximum Occupancy 177)
Standard Rental includes the use of theater and stage with a manager on duty. Renter can bring a DVD or Blue Ray (of appropriate content).
Visit to purchase event insurance.
$25 Non-Refundable Deposit required upon booking for all rentals. This deposit will go towards the rental fee and only be lost if rental is cancelled.
Payment must be received in full 14 days in advance for all rentals.
Rentals booked less than 14 days in advance must be paid in full within 24 hours of booking and before rental.
Refunds must be requested 7 days in advance of rental to receive a refund minus the $25 non-refundable deposit.
7 day advanced cancellation notice must be give for a full refund.
Facility Rentals, Equipment Rentals & Birthday Parties Brochure
This Agreement is entered into solely for the benefit of the contracting parties, and nothing in this Agreement is intended, either expressly or impliedly, to provide any right or benefit of any kind whatsoever to any person or entity who in not a party to this Agreement, or to acknowledge, establish or impose any legal duty to any third party.
Visit to purchase event insurance.
$25 Non-Refundable Deposit required upon booking for all rentals. This deposit will go towards the rental fee and only be lost if rental is cancelled.
Payment must be received in full 14 days in advance for all rentals.
Rentals booked less than 14 days in advance must be paid in full within 24 hours of booking and before rental.
Refunds must be requested 7 days in advance of rental to receive a refund minus the $25 non-refundable deposit.
7 day advanced cancellation notice must be give for a full refund.
Facility Rentals, Equipment Rentals & Birthday Parties Brochure
Visit to purchase event insurance.
An application indicating the intent to have alcohol during a rental must be submitted to the Superintendent of Facilities 30 days prior to the event.
Equipment Swap Event will be at the Geneseo Community Center
Bring your own reusable bag to the swap event
Cash Only. Most items are priced $1, $5 or $10.
5:30 - 6:45 pm | 3rd Grade & under
7:00 - 9:00 pm | All Ages
SKATE RENTAL: $5.00 Limited skates & sizes available
Not held 3/1
FREE St. Patrick's Day Skate 3/15
Learn the beginning skills required to be a lifeguard April 12-13
*Must attend both training days to receive lifeguard certification