Register online or at the Geneseo Community Center
Hammond-Henry Hospital is proud to announce a Free2Play (F2P) Movement Camp for kids in grades K - 6th. The Free2Play program empowers every child to be an athlete. Our goal for F2P Camp is to help kids develop a greater appreciation for exercise and use their gifts and talents to help encourage their friends, families, and communities.
Pre-registration required. First 50 kids registered will receive a T-Shirt
Held at the Geneseo Park District Athletic Field | 407 East North St. Geneseo IL
Learn the beginning skills required to be a lifeguard April 12-13
*Must attend both training days to receive lifeguard certification
Come enjoy an evening of music, dancing, snacks and drinks with old friends and new acquaintances.
A fun family tradition! The Easter Egg Hunt is set up so your little bunny can find candy or toy filled eggs with children of the same age.
Ages: 2yrs - 11 yrs