Geneseo Community Center (309) 944-5695
John & Carla Edwards Aquatic Center (309) 944-3129
Central Theater (309) 944-3603
or email at
Yes. All spouses or immediate unmarried dependent children (ages 0-25) residing at the same address can be added.
The Geneseo Park District offers Business Membership Discounts. If your employer has a Business Membership, you could be eligible for a 10% discount off your annual Membership fee. Please see desk attendant for a list of current participating employers.
Your employer is not part of this program? Talk to them today about helping you and your coworkers receive a discount to get fit and healthy. Healthy employees are more productive and can reduce employer expenses. Call (309) 944-5695 for more details.
Yes, anyone can use The Center, John & Carla Edwards Aquatic Center or sign up for programs.
Youth (18 & Under) / Senior (65 & older) $8.00
Adult (19 & older) $9.00
$9.00 Adult/Youth/Senior
For special group rates contact Jackie Beach (309) 944-5695
The Geneseo Park District accepts all major credit cards plus Apple, Google & Samsung Pay. A 3% processing fee will be applied on all credit card transactions. Paying by cash or check? No fee!
NON-RESIDENT: Non-residents are persons who do not reside within the corporate boundaries of the Park District or do not pay taxes for the Park District. A $80 non-resident fee will be applied to Community Center & Park District membership purchases or renewals. A $35 non-resident fee will be applied to Aquatic Center memberships. (Not applicable to 1-month memberships).
The Geneseo Park District offers three easy payment plan options...
1 - PAY Pay the full amount owed at time of purchase. All major credit cards are accepted.
The Geneseo Park District accepts all major credit cards plus Apple, Google & Samsung Pay. A 3% processing fee will be applied on all credit card transactions. Paying by cash or check? No fee!
Learn more at
Register for programs or classes by visiting the Geneseo Community Center, by mail sent to 541 E. North Street in Geneseo or by using our online registration at
Click here for Online Registrations Instructions.
We want to include you, yes you...The Park District believes each participant should be provided with leisure services to allow for his/her highest level of performance. Inclusion Services are designed to facilitate and ensure opportunities are available in the least restrictive environment and to make certain residents are given the opportunity to choose the services they desire.
The Geneseo Park District will make reasonable accommodations in recreation programs to enable participation by an individual with a disability that meets essential eligibility requirements for that leisure program and facility. If you have any special needs, please contact Scott Himmelman or Jackie Beach at (309) 944-5695.
Visit the Closings & Cancellations page on our website.
PROGRAM RATE POLICY. It is the policy of the Park District that program participants must have a current membership to participate at membership rates. Memberships must be purchased prior to the program start date to receive the programs membership rate, the difference will NOT be refunded for memberships purchased after the first day of a program. Patrons may register for programs at the membership rate beyond their membership expiration date but if they do not renew they will be obligated to pay the difference between the member and non-member rate for programs that they continue to participate in past their expiration date.
PROGRAM CANCELLATIONS: On days when the Geneseo School District releases early or cancels due to weather, our programs are also cancelled. If the Geneseo School District has a late start all Adult Programs will run as scheduled. All other programs scheduled after school would run as scheduled. Make-up classes will be scheduled if facility and instructor resources are available.
The Park District and/or its independent contractors reserve the right to consolidate, postpone or cancel any activity or program that has not met the established minimum. The determination to cancel programs will be made 3 days prior to scheduled start date.
If lightning strikes or thunder is heard all pool participants will be required to be out of the Indoor or Aquatic Center for 15 minutes from the time of the last lightning strike or thunder heard. Outdoor Swim lessons will not be cancelled due to weather. Water Safety will be taught in a safe environment if participants are unable to enter the pool.
BRIGHT BEGINNINGS PRESCHOOL CANCELLATIONS: Preschool follows the Geneseo School District 228 calendar for full days off (does not include scheduled early dismissals or half days). On days when Geneseo School District releases early or cancels because of weather, Preschool is also cancelled. On days when the School District starts late Starbrights & Kinderbrights AM classes will be cancelled. Twinklebrights and Starbrights & Kinderbrights PM classes will be held as scheduled.
UPGRADING MY MEMBERSHIP: When upgrading your membership you will receive 100% credit of the unused portion on the existing membership which is deducted from the new membership price. A new expiration date is established at the time of upgrade. New payment plan forms will be completed at this time. No refunds are applied on 12-pay option.
MEMBERSHIP CANCELLATION POLICY: Annual memberships discontinued before the year is completed will be refunded on the basis of 1/2 of the unused balance plus a $5.00 service fee (not applicable on 12-pay option).
MEMBERSHIPS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. Memberships purchased under false pretenses will be terminated and no refunds will be given.
PROGRAM CANCELLATION POLICY: Full refunds will be given to a registrant for any program, provided that the refund is requested of the Park District before the class starts. Refunds after a class begins will be at a rate of 1/2 of the unused portion at the time of the request.
Please call City Hall at 309-944-6419.
For home delivered meals and transportation please contact Henry Country Seniors at 309-853-8831 or online at
Please call the Community Center during regular business hours to check availability. 309-944-5695
Youth Baseball/Softball:
Youth Soccer:
Youth Basketball contact: Geneseo Park District 309-944-5695
Youth Football contact:
Youth Wrestling contact: Jon Murray, GHS Wrestling Coach
It is in the best interest for swimmers to exit the pool and seek shelter on the pool deck until the pool manager deems it to be safe to re-enter the water. In our Administrative and Operational Policies Manual which has been approved by the Park District Board, Section 8.06 gives the pool manager the authority to close the pool during times of severe weather such as high winds, lightning or tornado warnings.
In The Center: School-aged children can be in the Activity Room, Gymnasium, or lobby areas unsupervised so long as the parent/guardian remains in the building. If parent/guardian of children under 10 years of age are not in the building, the child must be under the direct supervision of a caregiver at least 14 years of age.
Children age 10 and older may be at the Community Center without their parent/guardian in the building.
In the Indoor Pool or Aquatic Center: Parents/guardians are responsible for supervising their children. Lifeguards are responsible for rule enforcement & responding to emergencies.
Children under 10 years of age will not be allowed in the Indoor Pool without supervision due to their inability to fully appreciate the dangers of water and other hazards.
Children under 10 years of age must be with a guardian 14 years or older
Only U.S. Coast Guard approved flotation devices are allowed. The Park District has life jackets available upon request.
On the Elevated Walking Track: No children under high school age may be on the elevated walking track unless they are under direct supervision of a parent/guardian and following the rules and etiquette of use with the exception of middle school aged children that have completed the Fitness Access Class provided by the Geneseo Park District.
In the Cardio/Weight Room: No children under high school age are allowed in the Cardio-Weight Room with the exception of middle school age students who have taken the Fitness Access Class offered by the Geneseo Park District.
In the Indoor Pool or Aquatic Center: Parents/guardians are responsible for supervising their children. Lifeguards are responsible for rule enforcement & responding to emergencies.
Children under 10 years of age will not be allowed in the Indoor Pool without supervision due to their inability to fully appreciate the dangers of water and other hazards.
Children under 10 years of age must be with a guardian 14 years or older
Only U.S. Coast Guard approved flotation devices are allowed. The Park District has life jackets available upon request.
There is a dedicated Stretching Room available in the back corner of the Cardio/Weight Room.
You will need to contact the Community Center at 309-944-5695
Yes, but they must remain along the outer perimeter of the pool deck.
All persons entering the facility must pay general admission or have an Aquatic Center membership to gain access to the facility.
No. Children in diapers must wear swim diapers or plastic pants as required by the Health Department.
We do not allow life jackets in the current channel for the safety of all patrons. The life jackets can become snagged on something or someone and create safety concerns. It also creates a false sense of security that could cause patrons to believe they do not have to be an arms length away at all times. Also, with the amount of users in the current channel at any given time, it is difficult to remain an arms length away.
13 laps = 1 Mile
Length = 25 yards
36 down & back laps = 1 mile
Doors open at 6:30pm for 7:10pm showtime. Doors open at 2:30pm for 3:10pm Sunday showtime.
This provides The Center with the information we need to draw funds from your account.
You would need a letter on your banks letter head that shows your banks routing number and your account number.
No, we require payment to be deposited when you submit your payments.
Yes, please log-in to your online account or ask the Front Office.
Equipment Swap Event will be at the Geneseo Community Center
Bring your own reusable bag to the swap event
Cash Only. Most items are priced $1, $5 or $10.
5:30 - 6:45 pm | 3rd Grade & under
7:00 - 9:00 pm | All Ages
SKATE RENTAL: $5.00 Limited skates & sizes available
Not held 3/1
FREE St. Patrick's Day Skate 3/15
Learn the beginning skills required to be a lifeguard April 12-13
*Must attend both training days to receive lifeguard certification