541 East North Street
Geneseo, IL 61254
Phone (309) 944-5695
Fax (309) 944-8395
Email info@geneseoparkdistrict.org
Open Memorial Day to Labor Day (weather and staff permitting)
Phone (309) 944-3129
111 North State Street
Geneseo, IL 61254
Phone (309) 944-3603
5:30 - 6:45 pm | 3rd Grade & under
7:00 - 9:00 pm | All Ages
SKATE RENTAL: $5.00 Limited skates & sizes available
Not held 3/1
FREE St. Patrick's Day Skate 3/15
The Child and Babysitting Safety (CABS) training program is designed to focus on supervising, caring for, and keeping children and infants safe in babysitting settings.
Join us for swimming at The Center's Indoor Pool.
FREE Admission thanks to the Geneseo Park District Foundation